LittleThought: Chess Engine
Change History
LittleThought v1.052 (22/04/2010)
- Fixed the last Chess960 bug!
LittleThought v1.051 (21/04/2010)
- Fixed several Chess960 bugs
- Fixed display of illegal move error msg
LittleThought v1.05 (20/04/2010)
- Added Chess960 support
- Re-implementation of multithreading, now uses YBWC and can use up to 8 threads
- Extensive retesting of all eval features and removed several misbehaving features
- Improved time management - can handle sub-second games and better able to extend/reduce time on searches
- Added divide command
- Fixed problem with using opening book
- Fixed crash with extremely long games
- Fixed a time control initialisation bug when switching between modes without restarting
LittleThought v1.04 (07/11/2009)
- Fixed illegal move bug encountered when playing long games (> 200 moves)
- Fixed bug with false single reply extensions being triggered
- Several performance enhancements throughout the code (~15-20% faster)
- Some endgame evaluation improvements
- Several improvements to the search reductions
- Better time management at very fast controls
- Rename UseBook to OwnBook as per UCI standard
- Fixed 64-bit compile options so the 64-bit program is significantly faster than the 32-bit one
LittleThought v1.03 (04/01/2008)
- Rewrote move scoring algorithms
- Modified reductions/pruning
- Modified lazy eval settings
- Some debug logging enhancements
- Fixed hash write bug
- Fixed several SMP issues
LittleThought v1.02 (07/11/2007)
- Fixed bug in q search
- Fixed bug in lazy eval
- Complete redesign of node recognisers and vastly improved specialised endgame knowledge
LittleThought v1.01 (25/07/2007)
- Fixed SMP bugs (repetition, check extensions, root ordering)
- Fixed hash indexing bug and tweaked memory utilisation
- Fixed bug with mobility eval (was getting used randomly!) and improved it
- Fixed bug in endgame recogniser
- Fixed bug in 50 move draw check
- Prevent LMR of killer moves
- Added 50-move rule to internal node draw recognition
- Improved single reply extensions
- Tweaked extensions/reductions
- Some performance improvements
- Lots of eval fine tuning of values
- Enhanced interior node evaluation
LittleThought v1.00 (03/02/2007)
Bug fixes include:
- Fixed eval problem with 50 move rule
- Fixed bugs in move generator (was searching duplicate moves and skipping some legal moves)
- Fixed bug in move scoring
- Fixed bug in handling of "position fen" commands used to analyze games
- Fixed issue with recogniton of special endgame positions
- Fixed bugs with rook eval
- Fixed randomisation bug with book
- Fixed issue with single reply extensions
- Fixed UCI move number display
- Fixed calculation of next ply estimated time
- Fixed UCI lower/upper bound score output
- Fixed horrendous hash bug
- Fixed bug in PVS re-search
- Fixed go depth command
- Fixed repetition detector (and improved performance)
- Fixed storing of mate scores in hash
- Fixed pawn hashing bug
- Added EP capture into check evasion move generator!
Improvements made:
- Added eval cache (UCI param EvalHash default 16MB)
- Improved pawn + bishop eval
- Improved recapture extensions
- Moved more eval into lazy eval section
- Tweaked null move criteria
- Added null move verification search
- More endgame recognisers
- Added penalties for losing castling rights
- Added simple candidate passed pawn eval
- Added connected passed pawns bonus
- Reduced value of passed rook-pawns
- Implemented fractional extensions and tweaked extension settings
- Added passed pawn extensions
- Tweaks to q search cutoff criteria
- Improved passed pawn eval with queens
- Tweaked Knight's piece square table
- Improved KRvK strategy
- Reduced underpromotion moves
- Added knight outpost eval
- Tweaked futility pruning criteria
- Improved mobility eval
- Tweaked LMR settings
- Tweaked aspiration search
- Tweaked recapture extensions
- Added mate distance pruning
- Special root move ordering
- Rewrote hash replacement scheme and probing
- Tweaked check extensions
- Tweaks to time management
- LOTS of performance enhancements
- Removed 15 sec buffer from time controls used to workaround Polyglot issue with new cygwin dll (can re-enable it via new TimeBuffer parameter)
- Reduced default pawn hash table to 1024KB and changed UCI parameter from MB to KB
- Added support for go nodes xxx
- Added more debug level output (tracelevel=2) to show all root move scores
- Reduced volume of UCI info at shallow depths
- Improved EPD file parsing for running test suites
LittleThought v0.98 (12/11/2006)
- Fixed stupid board drawing issue (when in console mode, not UCI)
- Fixed several move generator bugs
- Fixed incredibly stupid hash bug
- Redesigned hash table for more efficient usage
- Improved eval for knights
- Added extended futility pruning
- Replaced Verbose uci option with TraceLevel which allows various levels of debugging output
LittleThought v0.971 (08/11/2006)
- Improved eval for knights
- Fixed bug in eval for rooks
- Added some additional knowledge to the eval for rooks and queens
- Cleaned up some debugging code
LittleThought v0.97 (22/10/2006)
- Fixed several hanging and timing issues with Polyglot from v0.95 (yaay!)
- Fixed nasty bug in move generator from v0.94
- Disabled misbehaving mate threat extensions from v0.93
- Modified Q search to avoid some types of horizon problems
- Added single reply extension
- Improved trans table aging method
LittleThought v0.96 (20/08/2006)
- Added UCI option logstats more for my benefit than anyone else's, but maybe other engine authors will find it usefull
- Finally added some king safety eval
- Modified null move pruning logic
- Disabled I/O buffering to try and fix some Polyglot timing issues
LittleThought v0.95 (20/08/2006)
- PV Split parallel search implemented - up to 4 searcher threads supported (not much better than 2 though)
- Cleaned up code alot to help in transition to SMP search and uncovered several bugs
- Sends more regular and complete UCI stats
- Some decent performance improvements (up to 30%)
- Fixed bug in LMR and futility pruning criteria
- Fixed several hashing bugs
- Fixed time control bug
- Fixed a bug with the boolean UCI parameters
- Tweaks to aspiration search
- Tweaks to time control usage
- Removed some useless SSE2 code so it now works on older CPUs
LittleThought v0.94 (23/07/2006)
- Compiled 64-bit version (about 1.5x faster!)
- Resized pawn hash entries for less memory usage
- New opening book format to use less memory
- Performance optimisations
- Fixed futility pruning
- Move ordering improvements
- Initial changes to support multithreading
- Added recogniser for KBNvK end games
LittleThought v0.93 (11/07/2006)
- Added end game score modifiers for some probable drawn positions
- Added extra pawn end game knowledge (some KPvK stuff)
- Fixed flush problem under Fritz GUI
- Added skill level modification option (NumBeers)
- Fixed UCI hash configuration problem
- Improved futility pruning
- Improved Q search
- Fixed bugs in end game eval, pawn eval, king safety eval
- Several performance optimisations
- Added null move threat extensions
- Modified move scoring
LittleThought v0.92 (15/06/2006)
- Removed Winboard support, UCI only now (too much overhead supporting two interfaces!)
- Added recapture extensions
- Fixed static eval symmetry bugs
- Added some simple mobility scoring to static eval
- Improved killer move handling
- Improved LMR criteria
LittleThought v0.91 05/06/2006
- Fixed intermittent crashing bug
LittleThought v0.90 03/06/2006
- Fixed problem causing LT to lose on time in certain scenarios
LittleThought v0.89 01/06/2006
- Fixed null move bug
- Improved Q search move ordering
- Enhancements to pruning/reductions/extensions
- Additional XBoard protocol support
- Removed support for non-PVS searches
LittleThought v0.88 21/05/2006
- Enhanced UCI info
- Fixed Q Search bug (caused false mate reporting among other things)
- Improved move generator for check evasions (and fixed a few bugs!)
- Fixed unstoppable pawn detection
- Improved end game knowledge and draw recognisers
- Slight improvement in move ordering with IID
- Misc eval improvements (king safety, bishops, tropism)
- Fixed bug with UCI position setup (position fen command)
- Improved Q search move ordering
LittleThought v0.87 15/05/2006
- Completely rewrote move generator/make move to allow for improved move ordering/performance
- Created very simple (and dumb) opening book (and created new option usebook)
- Added futility pruning
LittleThought v0.86 07/05/2006
- Fixed null moves (yaaaay) and re-enabled them by default
- Improved some end game eval
- Fixed issue with mate scores (for real this time!)
LittleThought v0.85 06/05/2006
- Added pondering
- Added go infinite and stop commands (allow analysis until told to stop)
- Sends hash full % UCI info
- Added verbose option (default false) to disable info string commands
LittleThought v0.84 05/05/2006
- Improved time control (may extend time if almost finished a ply on timeout, moves quick if only a single legal move)
- Fixed yet another nasty move generator bug (how on earth did old versions ever win a game?)
- Fixed issue with storing mate scores in hash table incorrectly
LittleThought v0.83 01/05/2006
- Fixed some king safety eval
- Added additional Winboard commands: time, otime
- Fixed and re-enabled pawn hash, plus some other performance improvements means it is ~50% higher nps now!
- Improved pawn eval
LittleThought v0.82 30/04/2006
- Fixed bug in move generator causing some moves to be skipped!
LittleThought v0.81 29/04/2006
- Fixed problems with setoption command (was not using advanced search algos)
- Fixed problem with MTD(f) search
- Changed default search to PVS
- Tidied some UCI info output
- Fixed draw by repetition bug causing it to lose instead of draw
- Improved null move logic (?)
- Some additional eval logic (recognise insufficient material, improved pawns)
- Fixed bugs in Q search
- Fixed move generator bug (invalid killer moves)
- Fixed bugs with null move and hash tables
- Fixed bug with move ordering
- Fixed some small memory leaks
- Fixed bug in history scoring
LittleThought v0.80 23/04/2006
- First released version for ChessWar IX and WBEC Qualifying